Alex’s A level results certainly make a lasting impression!

Through happy tears, Alex beamed as she shared her results this morning. “I had already seen my UCAS result come in and was so happy to get into university but I was crying when I saw my actual results”. Achieving B, A, A in English Language, Business and Sociology, Alex told us how she plans to attend Northumbria University to study Business with Marketing but after doing better than she expected, now also has the option of switching to the Red Brick University of Newcastle.

We asked former St Michaels student why she chose to attend Bede Sixth Form. She said “I knew it was a good college and it was convenient as I live in Billingham. “I’ve loved the teachers and I’ve made some good friendships here.”

When asked about her ambitions for the future, Alex said “I’m not too sure at the moment, but I do know I want to travel more!”

We hope you have fun exploring where ever it is you end up Alex. Congratulations on your amazing results.


A level’s were no hard drive for Cooper who secured an incredible 3 A*s

Former Northfield student, Cooper couldn’t hide his happiness on collection of his results. He told us he was “very happy” and rightly so, after picking up A*s across the board in Maths, Further Maths and Computer Science.

As a Billingham resident, Cooper told us he chose to attend Bede Sixth Form partly due to it being quite local but after attending an open event he said, “The event was good to come to, it showed how nice the atmosphere was.”

Cooper will now be attending University of York to gain a degree in Computer Science. When asked of his ambitions for the future he said, “I’m not 100% sure yet but I would like to go into software development in some way.”

Thanks for speaking with us today Cooper, we hope you enjoy celebrating today and wish you all the best in your future education.


A Bachelors in Sociology is on the cards for Theo!

Hartlepool resident, Theo’s face lit up as she opened her A level results this morning. She said “ I knew I’d already got into university when I saw my UCAS update but I’m very, very happy now that I’ve seen the actual results”.

Theo secured grades A, C, A in Sociology, Geography and Politics and plans to go to Durham University to gain her Bachelors in Sociology.

When asked about her time at Bede, Theo told us how “She liked the smaller campus size and community feel of the college” She continued, “Everyone always seemed excited to be here, including the teachers, which was a nice thing to see.”

During her time at Bede Sixth Form, Theo also participated in the college’s volunteering group and helped raise money for various charities through bake sales and other events.

Thank you, Theo, for putting so much of your time into college life and congratulations again on your results. 


It’s all adding up for Aoife!

Former Northfield student Aoife is leaving Bede Sixth Form College with an incredible set of A level results. Achieving an A*, B and A in Maths, Physics and Further Maths, Aoife said she was “Quite happy” with her results this morning.

With big ambitions, Aoife will be attending University of York to study a joint Bachelors in Maths and Physics, with the hopes of one day completing a PHD in mathematics!

It was the locality to her home that made the Billingham resident choose to study at Bede Sixth Form but she told us her favourite thing about the college were her teachers.

Congratulations again Aoife.

Alex Cooper Love Theo Aoife
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